
Training takes place off campus out of the Galway Ocean Sports Club near the Galway Docks. Trainings occur weekly for both beginners and team racers.

Team Racing

  • Assumed experience: Intermediate to advanced
  • What to bring: Usual wet gear – swimsuit, wetsuit, waterproof clothing (salopettes/jacket), booties, gloves, buoyancy aid, towel etc… 
  • Training times: Usually Fridays & Saturday’s. Posted weekly via email, social media and clubs calendar.

Team racing is the university competition standard across Ireland and the UK. It is a form of dinghy racing sailed in Firefly dinghies. Teams of 3 Vs 3, comprising of a helm and crew in each boat sail against another college and work to get their teammates to the finish line in the lowest winning combination possible to win the race. A winning combination would be a 1st, 2nd & 3rd in a race, whereas a 1st, 4th & 6th would be a losing combination due to the first set of results above having a lower combined value (1+2+3=6) versus the second set (1+4+6=16). The less points a college has by the end of the series the higher they are ranked at the end of the series.


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Uni of Galway Sailing are the first and only university sailing club in Ireland to be an ISA accredited training centre. Irish Sailing is the national governing body of sailing in Ireland. We offer the ISA “Start Sailing” syllabus. This means that we may award our beginners with ISA certification on completion of this course offered by our instuctors.

  • Assumed experience: None to improving (or getting back into it)
  • Courses: Courses are run each semester and signup forms go out at the start of each semester to apply for one of the beginners slots.
  • Course cost: Fee will be set in September each year. Contact us for more info.
  • What to bring: Usual wet gear – swimsuit, wetsuit, waterproof clothing (salopettes/jacket), booties, gloves, buoyancy aid etc… (If you have none of the above we suggest that you bring a waterproof jacket, swimsuit and pants at the very least! We have a limited number of wetsuits for beginners and we will provide you with a buoyancy aid)
  • Training times: You will be allocated a training slot provided there is space on signup. Trainings usually take place on Saturdays or Sundays.

Keelboat Racing

Uni of Galway  Sailing are proud to offer keelboat training for the first time from February 2018. Keelboat racing takes place out of the docks in the Port of Galway. Training is only for those who have prior experience in competing in yachting events as this aspect is still in its developmental stage. We hope to open this aspect up to more of our members in the near future but in the meantime you may get the chance to go for a spin on our keelboat around Galway Bay. Watch this space!

If you have prior experience in keelboat racing and are keen in getting involved, fill out the form directly below with a bit of information about yourself and your experience in keelboat racing.

[contact-form to=”” subject=”Training enquiries”][contact-field label=”Name” type=”name” required=”1″ /][contact-field label=”Email” type=”email” required=”1″ /][contact-field label=”Student ID” type=”text” /][contact-field label=”Which aspect of training do you want to get involved in?” type=”select” options=”Beginners,Team Racing,Keelboat Racing” required=”1″ /][contact-field label=”Any comments…” type=”textarea” /][/contact-form]